Know when to let go

You’re hanging on the side of a cliff with a safety net beneath you. It looks sturdy. It’s not that far away from your feet. It actually looks fun. But you’re afraid. “Will I land properly? What if the net gives away and I fall straight through? What’s on the other side of that net?” Now you’re talking yourself out of letting go. The grip is slipping but you refuse to open your hands.

This is how it feels to hold onto something that is no longer serving you. We’ve all been at a particular point in our lives where we’ve had to make decisions we were unsure of the outcome. We can’t be afraid. I can’t be afraid. (Don’t mind me. I’m just talking to myself) The whole stepping out on faith things is scary to say the least but as long as we have some sense of direction it will be fine.

I’m the type who likes security. I like comfort in knowing that my day is going to go exactly like it did yesterday and the day before that day and the day before that day. My days mirror each other except with a slight wardrobe change while still maintaining the same color pattern. I’m a creature of habit who also gets bored very easily. I can’t help but to feel stuck while the days continue to pass me by. At this point I’m starting to look at what’s on the other side of the safety net. As a matter of fact, I don’t even see my safety net so why would I let go? How deep does my proverbial canyon go?

All I know is that I cannot go back to where I came from. That’s the place that has me looking to let go and let gravity do it’s job.